Dr. Mira Farka
Academic Presentations
Department of Economics, CSUF, Fullerton, December 2010 |
Fudan University Summer Seminar, Shanghai, China, June 2010 |
European Economic Society and Econometric Society, Barcelona, Spain, August 2009 |
Western Economic Association, 84th Annual meeting, Vancouver, Canada, July 2009 |
Western Economic Association, 83rd Annual meeting, Hawaii, July 2008 |
Western Economic Association, 82nd Annual meeting, Seattle, 2007 |
Financial Management Association, Asian Conference, Auckland, New Zealand, July 2006 |
Financial Management Association, European Conference, Stockholm, Sweden, 2006 |
Academy of Business & Administrative Sciences, 14th International Conf., Limassol, Cyprus, 2006 |
Business Presentations
CSUF International Trade Forecasts: US and OC, Irvine, CA, December 2011 |
Inland Empire International Trade Forecasts, Riverside, CA, November 2011 |
Recovering from the Recovery, Fullerton Chamber of Commerce, Fullerton, CA, November 2011 |
Surviving the Recovery: Implications for US and OC , PIHRA, Buena Park, CA, November 2011 |
The fate of the US Recovery, Richey Advisors, Inc., Fullerton, CA, November 2011 |
2012 CSUF Economic Forecast Conference, Irvine, CA, October 2011 |
The Shape of the US Recovery: Economic Outlook and Analysis , WNC, Dana Point, May 2011 |
US, California and Riverside County Overview and Forecast , County of Riverside, May 2011 |
National and Regional Economic Outlook, California Association of Assessors, Temecula, April 2011 |
2011 CSUF Midyear Economic Outlook and Forecast , Irvine, CA, April 2011 |
CSUF International Trade Forecasts: US and OC , Irvine, CA, December 2010 |
2011 CSUF Economic Forecast Conference, Irvine, CA, October 2010 |
The Shape of the Recovery: Implications for US and OC , PIHRA, Buena Park, CA, May 2010 |
US, California and Riverside County Overview and Forecast , County of Riverside, May 2010 |
2010 CSUF Midyear Economic Outlook and Forecast , Irvine, CA, April 2010 |
US Economy: The Morning After, Lambda Alpha International, Newport Beach, Dec. 2009. |
2009 CSUF Economic Forecast Conference, Irvine, CA, October 2009 |
The Global View, Southern California College of Optometry, Fullerton, August 2009 |
US, California and Riverside County Overview and Forecast, County of Riverside, June 2009 |
2009 CSUF Midyear Economic Outlook and Forecast: Irvine, CA, April 2009 |
2009 Economic Forecasts, Osher Lifelong Learning Institute, December 2008 |
US and OC Forecasts, Lambda Alpha International, Newport Beach, Dec. 2008 |
Strategic Financial Plan, County of Orange, Board Meeting, November 2008 |
2008 CSUF Economic Forecast Conference, Irvine, CA, October 2008 |
2008 CSUF Midyear Economic Outlook and Forecast: Irvine, CA, April 2008 |
2007 CSUF Economic Forecast Conference, Irvine, CA, October 2007 |
County of Orange, Board Meeting, Strategic Financial Plan, August 2007 |
2007 CSUF Midyear Economic Outlook and Forecast: Irvine, CA, April 2007 |
County of Orange, Board Meeting, Strategic Financial Plan, August 2006 |