Personal In formation about Mark Hoven Stohs, Ph.D.
Professor of Finance

Rather than putting all of the links to other websites on my homepage, I include them here. Any word or phrase below in blue is linked via the internet to the site. Enjoy!
I joined the Department of Finance at CSUF in the Fall of 1996, after two great years in the Department of Banking and Finance at the Graduate School of Business of University College Dublin, in Dublin, Ireland. Ireland is well worth visiting!
My 1994 Ph.D. in finance is from the University of Wisconsin, Madison , which I earned after having taught philosophy for 9 years in the Chicago area. Naturally, everyone asks me about the connection between finance and philosophy! Business ethics is the answer. After teaching business ethics for several years, I thought I should know more about business; and decided to earn an MBA. In the process, I found that I enjoyed finance immensely. At the time, it seemed to me that that finance is the key to managing a successful corporation; a belief I still hold. I made the switch to finance after earning tenure as a philosopher, but a dual career situation gave me the impetus to make the big move to finance.
Currently my research focuses on corporate finance, with publications on debt maturity, capital structure, dividends and ESOPs. But I've published widely, including areas in real estate and insurance, with continuing interests in all of the above. My major finance publications appear in the Journal of Business and in Financial Management . Older publications include the following. First is "Investment Opportunities and Irish Equity Offerings," which appears in The European Journal of Finance . Second is an article about valuing "real" corporations in the classroom: " Teaching Corporate Finance by Valuing a Corporation,"(see cached pdf) published in the Journal of Financial Education . The article, "Financial Applications of a Tabu Search Variable Selection Model," appears the Journal of Applied Mathematics and Decision Sciences . This article is co-authored with George Marcoulides and Zvi Drezner. My article, "Irish Financial Policies," appears in the Irish Accounting Review .
An extensive list of finance sites is the Ohio State Finance Site List.
I first published in philosophy. My article, "The Role of Hedonism in Marcuse's Early Thought," was published in Man and World (now entitled the Continental Philosophy Review ) in 1976. I am also an expert on the rights approach to ethics and political philosophy proposed by the philosopher Alan Gewirth, with my publication, "Gewirth's Dialectically Necessary Method" appearing in the Journal of Value Inquiry in 1988.
My wife Joanne Hoven Stohs also teaches here at CSUF in the Department of Psychology. She earned her Ph.D. in Human Development from the University of Chicago in 1987, and was a tenured department head at the University of Wisconsin, Green Bay, prior to joining me in Dublin and now here in Orange County! For her home page, click on the following link: Joanne's Homepage .
We love living here in Southern California and particularly in the North OC area.
We like to travel, and have visited Canada, Mexico, Ecquador, Panama, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Columbia, Hawaii, many European countries, Australia, Egypt, China, Croatia, the Canary Islands, Estonia, Russia, Finland, Singapore, Sweden, Turkey, Hong Kong along with every state except North Dakota.
Now to some of our past travels (not really up-to-date) and misc.
For our 30th anniversary we visited Italy.
Here we are with Mt. Aetna in the background on Sicily.
During the summer of 2004 we climbed Mt. Whitney, in central California.
The climb begins at 8,360 ft. at Whitney portal, and goes to 14,494 ft. at the Peak. Below we are at Trail Crest, where people cross over from the east (Owen's Valley) to the west (Sequoia National Park).
Mark and Joanne at Trail Crest, 13,600 ft.,
looking west into Owen's valley.
One of the views from the Mt. Whitney trail,
looking southwest into Sequoia and King's Canyon National Parks.
We also enjoy hiking in the Palm Springs area. One great place is the Indian Canyons,
including Murray Canyon (below):
During the summer of 2000 we traveled to China for a conference in Beijing,
and then a tour to some of the major cities. Below is the Forbidden City in the heart of Beijing:
Next, I do my best to hold up a pillar at Luxor Temple on the Nile River in Egypt during 1996. Luxor dates from 1500 B.C., and is across the river from the Valleys of the Kings and the Queens, where King Tut's tomb and Queen Hatshepsut's Temple (the only female Pharaoh of Ancient Egypt) are located.
And the following is the Tholos at Delphi in Greece, which was constructed in 380 B.C.
A visit to the Oracle at Delphi inspired Socrates' saying, "Know Thyself."
We have cats - this is Bella.