Refereed Publications
Racial and Ethnic Inequalities in Pension Insurance Coverage in Colombia. (September 2024. Forthcoming.) International Social Security Review.
Socio-economic Circumstances at Birth and Early Motherhood: The Case of the “Daughters of the Wall”. (2024). Journal of Economics and Statistics (Jahrbücher für Nationalökonomie und Statistik).
The Effects of Unilateral Divorce Laws on the Noncognitive Skill of Conscientiousness (with Iryna Hayduk). (2023). B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis and Policy 23(4): 1137-1154.
Intergenerational Transmission of Disadvantage: Negative parental selection, economic upheaval, and smoking (with Andrew Gill). (2022) CSUF Department of Economics Working Paper 2020/009R2 (pdf). Journal of Family and Economic Issues 43: 799-814. .
The Effect of the Fall of the Berlin Wall on Children’s Noncognitive Skills: Evidence from the German Reunification. (with Andrew Gill) (2020). CSUF Department of Economics Working Paper 2018/R008 (pdf)
Applied Economics 52(51): 5595-5612. .
The Effect of Unemployment on Noncognitive Skills (2020). Applied Economics Letters 27(17): 1387-1390. .
Institutions, Parental Selection, and Locus of Control. (with Andrew Gill) (2018), Applied Economics Letters 25(15): 1041-1044. .
Occupational Prestige and the Gender Wage Gap (with Anthony Dukes and Karl Fritjof Rasmussen) (2017). Kyklos 70(4): 565-593. .
The Effect of a Severe Health Shock on Work Behavior: Evidence from Different Health Care Regimes (with Nabanita Datta Gupta and Mona Larsen) (2015). Social Science & Medicine 136-137: 44-51. .
Rounding, Focal Point Answers and Nonresponse to Subjective Probability Questions
(with Arthur van Soest) (2014).
Journal of Applied Econometrics
29(5): 567-585. .
The Man of the House – How the Use of Household Head Characteristics leads to Omitted Variable Bias (2013). Economics Letters 119, 133-135. .
An Economic Analysis of Identity and Career Choice
(with Maria Knoth Humlum and Helena Skyt Nielsen) (2012).
Economic Inquiry
50(1), 39-61. .
Family Background and Gender Differences in Educational Expectations
Economics Letters
107: 125-127. .
Do Gender Differences in Preferences for Competition Matter for Occupational Expectations?
Journal of Economic Psychology
30: 701-710. .
Intertemporal Consumption with Directly Measured Welfare Functions and Subjective Expectations
(with Arie Kapteyn and Arthur van Soest) (2009).
Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization
72, 425-437. .
The Colombian Pension System After the Reform of 1994: An Evaluation (2003). International Social Security Review 56 (1), 31-52. .
Kann Kollusion die hohen Rentenversicherungsgebühren in Kolumbien erklären? (Can Collusion explain the high fees for pension insurance in Colombia?) (with Anthony Dukes), 2005. In: Fritz, Barbara and Katja Hujo (eds.): Oekonomie unter den Bedingungen Lateinamerikas: Erkundungen zu Geld und Kredit, Sozialpolitik und Umwelt, Schriftenreihe des Instituts fuer Iberoamerika-Kunde, Frankfurt/Madrid: Vervuert, 213-229.
Do individuals make informed pension program choices? Evidence from Colombia, 2004. In: Peter Kemp and Einar Overbye (eds.): Pensions: Challenges and Reform, Aldershot: Ashgate, 71-83.
La Elección de un Programa de Pensión: La experiencia de Colombia (Determinants of Pension Choice: The Case of Colombia), 2004. In: Katja Hujo, Manfred Nitsch and Carmelo Mesa-Lago (eds.): Públicos o Privados? Los sistemas de pensiones en América latina después de dos décadas de reformas, Caracas: Nueva Sociedad, 175-203.