" Korea’s Exchange Rate Policies Between the Crises " With Thomas D. Willett, Chapter 2: Korea’s Exchange Rate Policies Between the Crises, in The Global Crisis And Korea's International Financial Policies . Thomas D. Willett; with contributions by Nancy N. Auerbach... [et al.], Washington, D.C.: Korea Economic Institute of America, 2009.
" Classifying International Aspects of Currency Regimes " With Thomas D. Willett, Eric M. P. Chiu, Sirathorn Dechsakulthorn, Ramya Ghosh, Bernard Kibesse, Jeff (Yongbok) Kim, Alice Y. Ouyang, (2011), Journal of Financial Economic Policy, Vol. 3 Iss: 4.
Professional Conference Presentations & Discussant Services
“Korean Exchange Rate Policy”, presented at the 93rd Annual Conference, Western Economic Association International, Vancouver, B.C., Canada, June 26-30, 2018.
“Korean Exchange Rate Regime”, presented at the 86th Annual Conference, Western Economic Association International, San Diego, California, June 29-July 3, 2011.
“Korean Exchange Rate Policy” (with Thomas D. Willett), presented at the Fifth Annual International Conference, Asia-Pacific Economic Association, University of California, Santa Cruz, California, June 27-28, 2009.
Discussant: 93rd Annual Conference, Western Economic Association International, Vancouver, B.C., Canada, June 26-30, 2018.
Discussant: Conference on, "Korea and the World Economy X: Challenges after the Recent Global Turbulences," Claremont McKenna College, Claremont, CA, USA, August 12-13, 2011.
: 84th Annual Conference, Western Economic Association International, Vancouver, B.C., Canada, June 29-July 3, 2009.