Risk Management and Insurance Program Summary
The School of Risk Management and Insurance (SRMI) has adopted a variety of partnerships to create innovative programs.
The School offers a cognate program with the Math Department in Actuary sciences and a cognate program offered with the Marketing Department in Insurance Marketing Entrepreneurship. The Risk Management & Insurance Concentration is offered under the Finance Department at both undergraduate and MBA levels.
This cognate program is jointly offered by SRMI and the Math Department. Students combine coursework and workshops to prepare them for the first two exams required for them to be employed as actuaries. During this time, students who have completed their basic requirements and actuary courses can apply for actuarial internships with local insurance companies. One of our most successful actuarial internship programs is with Pacific Life. More than 80 percent of our students who have interned with Pacific Life were hired as actuaries following their graduation. Our coursework is VEE (validation by Educational Experience) approved.
Risk Management and Insurance
At the undergraduate level, business students have the opportunity to select a concentration in Risk Management and Insurance. This well-designed curriculum offers students a foundation in business risk management, financial planning, professional ethics, corporate compliance, and education. Students graduating with this concentration are well prepared for employment in any aspect of business and insurance, including but not limited to claims adjusting, underwriting, customer service, and business analysis. Students in this concentration also are encouraged to pursue internships with our local member companies.
At the graduate level, MBA students can also select a concentration in Risk Management and Insurance. These students, who range from traditional students through established industry professional looking to enhance their skills and marketability, combine standard MBA coursework requirements with classes focused on various aspects of the risk management field.
Insurance Marketing Entrepreneurship
Offered in conjunction with the Marketing Department and with a focus on brokerages and financial planning, this program is aimed at students interested in becoming insurance marketing entrepreneurs and financial planners. The innovative curriculum introduces students to skill sets in insurance, marketing and entrepreneurship, providing them the background needed to become top producers in large brokerage, as well as smaller, independent agencies.
The classroom environment’s coursework is blended with field experience in internships and workshops, exposure to guest lecturers, and marketing contests that encourage students to innovate as they put their newly minted skills to the test.
Program Enrichment
Industry participation goes beyond the classroom environment. The School hosts a wealth of activities and events that bring the professional and academic worlds together.
The Jim Gutmann Speaker Series, the School of Risk Management and Insurance Guest Speaker Program, Insurance Leadership Program and the Insurance Symposium offer opportunities for insurance professionals to speak to students and faculty about life and careers in the industry.
The C.E. Club and actuary workshops offer working insurance professionals the opportunity to meet continuing education needs through California Department of Insurance-certified events.
Students and professionals both benefit from Actuary Day, Insurance Day, Risk Management Awareness Week, Excess & Surplus Day, and the School's SRMI Alumni Reunions events, which allow a direct connection between students and prospective employers.
Students also benefit from the School's abundant scholarships. Close industry connections offer them plentiful internship and employment opportunities. Students looking to foster on-campus networking can participate in Gamma Iota Sigma, a nationally recognized insurance student fraternity.