Andrew Nguyen, Ph.D.
Department of Mathematics
(657) 278-8311 |
Math 335 Mathematical Probability
Math 338 Applied Statistics
Math 435 Mathematical Statistics
Math 460 Actuarial Models
Fin 415 Quantitative Theory of Interest
Fin 444 Options and Futures
One of the following classes:
Math 437 Modern Approaches to Data Analysis
Math 438 Introduction to Stochastic Processes
Math 439 Intermediate Data Analysis
Fin 320 Financial Management I
Fin 340 Introduction to Investments
Fin 360 Principles of Insurance
Fin 320 for Corporate Finance & Accounting
Math 435 for Mathematical Statistics
Econ 201 & Econ 202 for Economics
If you have any questions about the required courses, please contact:
Jeffrey Jolley, FSA, MAAA
Department of Finance
(818) 398-7827 |
Andrew Nguyen, Ph.D.
Department of Mathematics
(657) 278-8311 |