Bringing Learning to Work
The Center's Bringing Learning to Work program connects faculty expertise at Cal State Fullerton to businesses in the Orange County community in a series of “Lunch & Learn” topics (75-90 minutes) — all designed by the Center for Leadership to provide world-class training. Our thought leaders facilitate and offer organizations premium solutions to business and leadership needs. Your organization handles the location, facility, and food (if applicable), while we bring learning to (your) work! Build your own customized programming from a variety of key topics to perfectly fit your organization’s needs. Proceeds from Bringing Learning to Work go directly to support student programs — so while you help your organization, you also help students by contributing to scholarships, initiatives, and, ultimately, investing in the long-term human capital of Orange County.
Most of these topics can be delivered in Lunch & Learn (90 minute), half-day and full-day formats. We specialize in custom programs and we can also asssist with:
-Strategic planning
-Board development
-Retreat facilitation
As organizations become more global, there is a need to cultivate a more diverse and inclusive workplace. This series of workshops will help leaders effectively manage diversity in their organizations. Participants will learn how to prioritize communications, treat each employee as an individual, encourage employees to work in diverse groups and become more open-minded. Having a diverse workforce with multilingual employees and employees from varying ethnic backgrounds can also be helpful for organizations who want to expand or improve operations in international, national, regional and local markets.
- Building Your Cultural Intelligence
- Communicating Across Cultures
- Fact or Fiction
- Gender Differences: Are We Speaking the Same Language?
- Leading in an Intergenerational Climate
- Leveraging Diversity to Increase Performance
- Managing Diversity in YOUR Organization
Organizational Dynamics
The future of every organization is built around continuous development and improvement and the most valuable assets in a company are the people who are involved in everyday operations. This includes every person, no matter what position they might hold within the company. Their individual development and well-being are important considerations in any change in organizational dynamics. Learning about these dynamics can help organizations align their strategy and culture. These workshops will give employees tools to learn and understand the various organizational dynamics in order to succeed in the workplace.
COURSES OFFERED- Competition and Organizational Goals
- Core Self Evaluation
- Creating Flow
- Employee Performance
- Enhancing Trust in the Workplace
- Enhancing Workplace Safety
- Handling Conflict Effectively
- How to Avoid Breakdowns in Communication
- Interpersonal Skills for Managers
- Leading Change
- Managing Ethical Dilemmas - Should I or Should I Not?
- Managing Virtual Teams
- Navigating Social Networks
- Team Building
- The Biology of Decision-Making - Why We Do What We Do
Organizational Leadership
Effective leadership must be built on a solid foundation consisting of a clear mission, a vision for the future, a specific strategy and a culture conducive to success. Leaders, in order to be effective, must exhibit specific skills and attributes to achieve the goals of the organization, including excellent communication skills, empathy and emotional intelligence, team-building skills, an understanding of the competitive landscape, strategic thinking, and courage. Successful organizations need leaders at all levels.
COURSES OFFERED- Developing Your Emotional Intelligence
- General Leadership Overview
- How to Influence People (Without Them Resenting You)
- How to Inspire Others
- Leadership and Strategic Change: How Much Change Are We Seeking?
- Leadership as a Series of One-on-One Relationships
- Leadership Excellence
- Motivating Creativity
- Motivation 2.0
- Negotiating to Win
- Political Skills: Navigating Your Career and Business Relationships
- The Character Behind Great Leadership
- Understanding Leverage in Negotiations
Performance Management
The fundamental goal of performance management is to promote and improve employee effectiveness. Business pressures are ever-increasing and organizations are now required to become even more effective and efficient, execute better on business strategy, and do more with less to remain competitive. Effective performance management processes can enable managers to evaluate and measure individual performances and optimize productivity. Successful organizations will implement a performance management system as a continuous process of planning, monitoring and reviewing employee performance in order to make sure everyone is aligned with the organization’s strategic direction and culture.
COURSES OFFERED- Active Listening
- Creating a Supportive Work Environment
- Designing Effective Performance Appraisals
- Empowering Employees
- Experiencing the Power of Goal Setting
- Feedback that Motivates
- Helping Employees Succeed
- Importance of Engagement in YOUR Organization
- Leading a Service Revolution
- Motivation Through Rewards
- Performance Management Overview
- Succeeding in a Technology-Rich Workplace
- Supervisor Support that Reduces Employee Burnout
- Supportive Communication
- Upgrade and Re-Master Your Super Powers
Servant Leadership
Servant leadership is a philosophy and set of practices that enriches the lives of individuals, builds better organizations, and ultimately creates a more just and caring world. Organizations that utilize servant leadership will have people in leadership positions who are willing to serve both employees and the community around them. Servant leaders are people who have a calling to serve others, know how to mend hurt feelings and emotional downs, use train of thought rather than chain of authority to persuade others, and believe organizations should also serve its community/industry. Leaders who learn to use and practice servant leadership principles will be more effective leaders which will result in creating more leaders within the organization.
COURSES OFFERED- Overview of Servant Leadership
- Servant Leadership - Advanced Applications: Altruistic Calling
- Servant Leadership - Advanced Applications: Emotional Healing
- Servant Leadership - Advanced Applications: Developing Wisdom
- Servant Leadership - Advanced Applications: Persuasive Mapping
- Servant Leadership - Advanced Applications: Organizational Stewardship
Skills for Work and Life Balance
Maintaining a healthy work-life balance is not only important for health and relationships, but it can also improve your employee’s productivity, and ultimately performance. Organizations that gain a reputation for encouraging work-life balance can attract and retain millennials. Focusing on work-life balance will help organizations draw a valuable talent-pool for new recruits and boost retention rates which will save time and money, while ensuring a high level of in-house talent.
COURSES OFFERED- • Building Self-Awareness
- • How to Make Yourself More Valuable at Work
- • Positivity: The Power of Positive Emotions
- • Self-Leadership
- • Stress Management
- • The Power of Proactivity
- • Time Management 2.0
- • Work-Life Balance
Transformational Leadership
Transformational leadership is defined as a leadership approach that causes change in individuals and social systems, which in its ideal form, creates valuable and positive change in the followers with the end goal of developing followers into leaders. Companies can help develop transformational leaders through leadership development programs. Acquiring communication skills such as resolving conflicts in the workplace and recognizing the needs of employees are an important part of transformational leadership. These workshops provide an overview and in-depth leadership development experience to guide leaders towards improving their transformational leadership.
- Contingent Rewards
- Laissez-Faire and Management-by-Exception
- The Full Range of Leadership Behaviors – Overview
- Transformational Leadership - The 4 I's
- Transformational Leadership - Advanced Application: Idealized Influence
- Transformational Leadership - Advanced Application: Individualized Consideration
- Transformational Leadership - Advanced Application: Inspirational Motivation
- Transformational Leadership - Advanced Application: Intellectual Stimulation
For more information, contact:
Giles-O'Malley Center for Leadership
Email: leadership@fullerton.edu