ISDS Courses
100-200 Level of ISDS Individual Course Descriptions
300 Level of ISDS Individual Course Descriptions
ISDS161 Discovering Business through Decision Sciences (1 units) Prerequisite: None How businesses operate through tours of a number of manufacturing and service facilities. Emphasizes how businesses use quantitative analysis to improve operations. |
ISDS162 Introduction to Excel Spreadsheets (1 units) Prerequisite: None Introduction to the Excel spreadsheet with emphasis on business applications. Topics include how to enter data, formulas, functions and enhancing the worksheet to create graphs and databases. Students who take ISDS 265 cannot receive credit for ISDS 162. |
ISDS163 Electronic Research of Business Enterprises (1 units) Prerequisite: None How to utilize electronic and non-electronic resources to research the history of a business. The resulting history will be published on the World Wide Web. |
ISDS165 Navigating the Information Superhighway (1 units) Prerequisite: None A hands-on course surveying information resources available through the Internet. Topics include e-mail, the World Wide Web, Internet search engines and computerized library resources. |
ISDS166 Developing Computer Based Presentations (1 units) Prerequisite: None Concepts, principles and techniques for developing computer-based presentations. Create presentation outlines, use masters and templates, work with graphs and organization charts, and develop electronic slides and transparencies. |
ISDS167 Practical Approach to Database Systems (1 units) Prerequisite: None Hands-on methods to plan, create and maintain databases. Create customized forms and queries, as well as develop professional looking reports. Students who take ISDS 265 cannot receive credit for ISDS 167. |
ISDS168 Mastering the World Wide Web (1 units) Prerequisite: None How the World Wide Web works and how one can set up a website and author web pages. Topics include: web browsers, design of a website, HTML, multimedia, interactive techniques, CGI, security and site promotion. |
ISDS262 Visual Basic for Excel (1 units) Prerequisite: ISDS 162 or equivalent. Introduction to the Visual Basic programming language that is a subset of the Excel spreadsheet. Students who take ISDS 265 cannot receive credit for ISDS 262. |
ISDS265 Introduction to Information Systems and Applications (3 units) Prerequisite: None Introduction to computer concepts, computer organization, operation, hardware, systems and application software; business problem-solving and computer programming; applications to business. Micro-computer applications and hands-on exercises in the business arena. |
ISDS309 Introduction to Programming ( 3 units) Prerequisite: ISDS 265 or equivalent. Basic problem-solving techniques; structured programming principles; object-oriented programming principles; using GUI objects; handling events; processing files and streams. |
ISDS312 Database Management Systems ( 3 units) Prerequisite: BUAD 301. Corequisite: ISDS 309. Concepts, principles and methods for analysis, design and implementation of database management systems; theory and practice; the relational model; issues and problems associated with developing single and multiple user applications both today and in the future; project required. |
ISDS351 Info Tech for Managers ( 3 units) Prerequisite: ISDS 265 Undergraduate course on the use, strategy, and management of Information Technology. The overarching objectives of this course are to understand the implications of IT, to learn to identify and evaluate potential opportunities to employ IT, and to gain importance of IT as a major facilitator of the fundamental business activities. |
ISDS352 Advanced Data and Information Analysis in Business ( 3 units) Prerequisite: FIN 320 and MKTG 351. Advanced spreadsheet topics for professional business, downloading of databases into spreadsheets and database packages and statistical analyses for decision support; database concepts and design; querying and report writing; applications to financial/ marketing forecasting models. |
ISDS361A Business Analytics I ( 3 units) Prerequisite: MATH 135, and Co-requisite: BUAD 301. 2.5 cumulative GPA for online section registration. Business Analytics, Statistics, Observational Data, Experimental Data, Microsoft Excel, Exploratory Data Analysis, Probability Distribution, Normal Probability Model, Statistical Inference, Interval Estimation, Hypothesis Testing, Cause-Effect Relationship, Analysis of Variance (ANOVA, Regression). |
ISDS361B Business Analysis II ( 3 units) Prerequisite: ISDS 361A; 2.5 cumulative GPA for online section registration. Analytics on spreadsheets, Data Visualization, Probability Distributions and data modeling, Predictive modeling and analysis, Regression Analysis, Forecasting, Overview of Monte Carlo Simulation, Linear Programming, Overview of Decision Analysis, Special Topics in Business Analytics. |
ISDS371 C++ For Business Applications ( 3 units) Prerequisite: ISDS 309. C++ syntax, structured programming, table handling, design standards, object oriented programming. |
ISDS372 Java Programming for Business Applications ( 3 units) Prerequisite: ISDS 309. Java syntax and structure. Object oriented programming: classes, objects, association, inheritance, polymorphism. Business applications of Java. Use of Java packages. Web applications: applets and threads. |
Database Management Systems ( 3 units) Prerequisite: BUAD 301. Corequisite: ISDS 309. Concepts, principles and methods for analysis, design and implementation of database management systems; theory and practice; the relational model; issues and problems associated with developing single and multiple user applications both today and in the future; project required. |
ISDS405 Programming Concepts for Information Technology ( 3 units) Prerequisite: Admission to the Master of Science in Information Technology program. Application programming fundamentals for IT systems; structured and object-oriented programming, accessing and management of database tables and external files; layout design and data extraction for advanced output; testing, debugging and analysis tools. |
ISDS406 Systems Analysis and Design ( 3 units) Prerequisite: BUAD 301, ISDS 265, 402 Systems analysis and design for business information systems; systems development methodologies; managing changes to system parameters; systems process and data models; case tool types and their use; structured vs. object oriented analysis and design. |
ISDS409 Business Telecommunications for Information Systems Design ( 3 units) Prerequisite: BUAD 301, ISDS 309. Pre- or corequisite: ISDS 406. Concepts for developing a data communication architecture to support Information Systems for a business enterprise. Requires students to undertake a group project to design a LAN. |
ISDS411 Business Application Design ( 3 units) Prerequisite: BUAD 301 and ISDS 309. Corequisite: ISDS 402 Contemporary issues in the design and development of integrated, graphical user interface-based business applications. |
ISDS412 Statistics with SAS Applications ( 3 units) Prerequisite: ISDS 361A. Statistical concepts beyond the basic applications. Uses SAS application program to solve statistical problems. Project required using concepts taught in the class. |
ISDS414 Internet Technologies and Applications ( 3 units) Prerequisite: Corequisites: ISDS 402. Contemporary Internet technologies and Web applications: Internet infrastructures, development of Web sites and dynamic Web pages, Web databases, business applications. Not applicable to graduate degree requirements. |
ISDS415 Principles of Business Intelligence ( 3 units) Prerequisite: BUAD 301, ISDS 402. Principles and procedures related to the design and use of expert systems and decision support systems principles in management decision making; development of expert systems using shells. |
ISDS418 Privacy and Security ( 3 units) Prerequisite: Corequisites: BUAD 301 and ISDS 402. Security and privacy problems associated with the use of computer systems; ways to minimize risks and losses. |
ISDS422 Surveys and Sampling Design and Applications ( 3 units) Prerequisite: BUAD 301, ISDS 361A. Principles for designing business and economic surveys. Applications in accounting, marketing research, economic statistics and the social sciences. Sampling; simple random, stratified and multistage design; construction of sampling frames; detecting and controlling non-sampling errors. |
ISDS431 Enterprise Systems Implementation, Configuration and Use ( 3 units)
Prerequisite: MGMT 339. Methodology and tools for configuring an ERP system to support critical business processes. Topics include system modules, implementation tools and data settings. Focuses on configuring the system to support a variety of business scenarios. |
ISDS433 Enterprise Systems Administration ( 3 units) Prerequisite: ISDS 406 or ISDS 552 Technical administration practices required to manage the day-to-day operations of an Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system. Topics include system architecture, security, system performance and installation of upgrades. |
ISDS435 Integrated Enterprise Information Systems ( 3 units) Prerequisite: MGMT 339. Application programming fundamentals for ERP systems; accessing and management of ERP database tables and external files; layout design and data extraction for advanced output; testing, debugging and analysis tools; security issues in an ERP system. |
ISDS437 Enterprise Networks for Information Systems ( 3 units) Prerequisite: ISDS 409 or ISDS 550 Placing the network in perspective within the overall enterprise that it serves, and the issues involved in constructing, updating and managing the networks which make up the infrastructure of those information systems. |
ISDS440 Integrative Decision Tools for Business Operations ( 3 units) Prerequisite: BUAD 301, ISDS 361B. Intermediate management science modeling and solution techniques, including topics in linear and non-linear programming, integer programming, dynamic programming, Markov processes, queuing theory and inventory models. |
ISDS442 Business Modeling Using Spreadsheets ( 3 units) Prerequisite: ISDS 361B or equivalent. Microsoft Excel will be used to implement business models. Excel will be used to effectively organize, analyze and present information. Examples include operations, production, marketing and finance. Macros, goal seek, solver, simulation and data tables. |
ISDS443 Marketing Analytics Decision-Making in the Information Age ( 3 units) Prerequisite: ISDS 361A, MKTG 351. Applying analysis and modeling techniques to a broad range of marketing decision-making domains. |
ISDS454 Senior Project: Information Systems Development ( 3 units) Prerequisite: BUAD 301, ISDS 312, 409. Integrates information systems development concepts of analysis, design and implementation. Students will develop an information system from concept to completion. Individual and team effort. |
ISDS461 Statistical Theory for Management Science ( 3 units) Prerequisite: BUAD 301, ISDS 361A. Mathematical topics needed for statistical theory. Distribution theory, moment generating functions, central limit theorem. Estimation theory, maximum likelihood. Hypothesis testing, Neyman-Pearson Lemma, likelihood ratio tests. Use of statistical software packages. |
ISDS462 Applied Business Regression Analysis with SAS ( 3 units) Prerequisite: ISDS 361A. Regression analysis where prediction models are developed to tackle a variety of business decision problems. Data issues and appropriate use of SAS software. |
ISDS465 Linear Programming in Management Science ( 3 units) Prerequisite: BUAD 301; ISDS 361B or MATH 250B. Mathematical and theoretical foundations for linear programming; geometric and linear algebraic approaches and proofs; simplex method, duality, sensitivity and parametric analyses, extensions to specialized algorithms and large-scale models; practical and computer based applications will be discussed. |
ISDS467 Statistical Quality Control ( 3 units) Prerequisite: BUAD 301 and ISDS 361A. Control charts for variables, percent defective and defects. Tolerances, process capacity; special control charts, acceptance sampling and batch processing problems. Bayesian aspects of process control. |
ISDS472 Design of Experiments ( 3 units) Prerequisite: BUAD 301 and ISDS 361A. Corequisite: ISDS 440. Fundamentals of experimental design. Analysis of variance, factorial experiments, nested designs, confounding and factorial replications. |
ISDS473 Applied Business Forecasting ( 3 units) Prerequisite: BUAD 301 and ISDS 361A. Forecasting methods applied to problems in business and industry; practical multiple regression models with computer solutions; basic techniques in time-series analysis of trend, cyclical and seasonal components; correlation of time-series and forecasting with the computer. |
ISDS474 Data Mining for Managers ( 3 units) Prerequisite: ISDS 361A or equivalent Fundamentals of data mining. Topics may include association, classification, clustering, decision trees, statistical modeling and visualization. Motivation for the applications of data mining techniques. Use of data mining software suites on data sets. |
ISDS475 Multivariate Analysis ( 3 units) Prerequisite: BUAD 301 and ISDS 361A. The least squares principle; estimation and hypothesis testing in linear regression; multiple and curvilinear regression models; discriminant analysis; principle components analysis; application of multivariate analysis in business and industry. |
ISDS476 Web Mining and Text Mining ( 3 units) Prerequisite: ISDS 408; corequisite: 474. Fundamental concepts related to text (Web) document pre-processing and analysis. Topics include information extraction, structuring and dimension reduction, similarities between documents, classification, clustering, predictive modeling and social network analysis. Individual and group effort. |
ISDS485 Wireless Business Networks for Information Systems ( 3 units) Prerequisite: ISDS 409 or equivalent. Concepts of wireless networks and technologies and their management from the perspective of an organization. Wireless LANs, services offered by wireless carriers, analysis and design of wireless networks, wireless security and how organizations can leverage wireless technologies to their advantage. |
ISDS490 Queuing and Stochastic Models in Management Science ( 3 units) Prerequisite: BUAD 301 and ISDS 361B or MATH 335. Probabilistic models in management science; theoretical foundation and model development for Poisson process models, birth-death models, Markovian and general queuing situations and Markov chains; renewal theory and/or reliability models; practical business applications. |
ISDS495 Internship (1-3) ( units) Prerequisite: BUAD 301; at least junior standing, 2.5 GPA and one semester in residency at the university; and consent of internship adviser. For Information Systems concentration, ISDS 309; for Management Science concentration, ISDS 361B; for International Business concentration, ISDS 309 or ISDS 361B. (1-3 units) - Planned and supervised work experience. May be repeated for credit up to a total of six units. Credit/No credit grading only. |
ISDS499 Independent Study ( 3 units) Prerequisite: BUAD 301, ISDS 361B, senior standing and approval by the Department Chair. Open to qualified students desiring to pursue directed independent inquiry. May be repeated for credit. Not open to students on academic probation. |
ISDS513 Statistical Analysis ( 3 units) Prerequisite: MATH 135, ISDS 265 (or equivalents) and classified CBE status. Basic probability and descriptive statistics; sampling techniques; estimation and hypothesis testing; simple and multiple regression, correlation analysis; computer packages and other optional topics. |
ISDS514 Decision Models for Business And Economics ( 3 units) Prerequisite: ISDS 513 and classified CBE status. Linear programming; inventory; PERT-CPM; queuing; computer simulation; time-series forecasting; and other optional topics. |
ISDS516 Introduction to Logistics Analysis Techniques ( 3 units) Prerequisite: ISDS 514 and classified CBE status. Scope of logistics; external and internal environment; analysis of demand, analysis of cost, commodity and transportation rates; structure of transport industry, inventory management, merchandise storage and warehousing; framework of regional analysis; methods of location analysis. |
ISDS518 Quantitative Tools for Information Technology Management ( 3 units) Prerequisite: None Quantitative tools that are useful in management of an IT organization. Topics include review of probability concepts, linear programming, network modeling, project management, decision analysis, forecasting, queuing theory and simulation. Students may not receive credit for both ISDS 514 and 518. |
ISDS521 Revenue Management Modeling ( 3 units) Prerequisite: ISDS 514 or equivalent. Corequisite: ECON 515. Revenue management deals with how prices are set in organizations. Analytical tools and a conceptual framework to determine optimal price recommendations. Reinforces concepts student may have learned in other business courses such as marketing or economics. |
ISDS526 Forecasting, Decision Analysis, And Experimental Design ( 3 units) Prerequisite: ISDS 514 and classified CBE status. Time series analysis. Trend, cyclical and seasonal components. Statistical decision theory. Fundamental principles of experimental design; interaction. Software packages. |
ISDS550 Business Data Communications ( 3 units) Prerequisite: None Concepts for developing a data communication architecture for a business enterprise. Issues of transmission media, speed, efficiency, protocols, security in a variety of network architectures such as LAN, WAN, VPN, leading to “the state of the art” wireless networks. Concludes with a discussion on the technical implications of doing business on the Internet. |
ISDS551 Information Resources Management ( 3 units) Prerequisite: Admission to CBE graduate program. Expanding role of information systems in the overall strategy and management of organizations. Topics include strategic value of information systems, management of the information systems development and procurement process, E-commerce and integrated enterprise systems. |
ISDS552 Systems Analysis, Design and Development ( 3 units) Prerequisite: Admission to CBE graduate program. Systems analysis and design concepts, life cycle and prototyping; planning and managing projects; systems evaluation, selection and development. Interface design with controls, object-oriented design concepts and tools, including the use of cases and UML. |
ISDS553 Electronic Commerce: Analysis and Evaluation ( 3 units) Prerequisite: None Electronic commerce. Understanding the technical infrastructure that enables E-commerce. Organizational challenge for developing an appropriate business model for emergence of the electronic business. Social economical impact of electronic commerce. |
ISDS554 E-Commerce: Technological Perspective ( 3 units) Prerequisite: ISDS 555. Expanding role of the Internet in the overall strategy, implementation and management of enterprise-wide information systems. Topics include organizational utilization of electronic information resources, as well as Internet application planning, development, implementation and control. |
ISDS555 Business Database Design ( 3 units) Prerequisite: None Internet and multi-user databases; accessing Web servers; data warehouse, structured query language, client-server database systems and programming; object-oriented databases. |
ISDS556 Data Warehousing and Foundations of Business Intelligence ( 3 units) Prerequisite: ISDS 552 and 555. Basic concepts, architectures and development strategies of data warehousing, issues in managing data as organizational assets and its potentials for competitive advantages in dynamic business environments. |
ISDS557 Issues in Business Information Technology ( 3 units) Prerequisite: MGMT 515. Advanced concepts of global networks, advanced communications design and management, global information security and privacy, global communications protocol and applications to industry, government and commercial sectors. |
ISDS558 Advanced Software Development with Web Applications ( 3 units) Prerequisite: ISDS 552, 555 and 411 or equivalent programming course. Advanced client/server software development techniques with specific emphasis on the Internet. Topics include file structure, managing relational databases with data control and SQL and ActiveX components and objects. |
ISDS560 Advanced Deterministic Models ( 3 units) Prerequisite: ISDS 514. Advanced linear programming, dynamic programming, integer programming, non-linear programming, business applications. Software packages and computer-utilization. |
ISDS561 Advanced Probabilistic Models ( 3 units) Prerequisite: ISDS 514 and classified CBE standing Stochastic processes, Markov processes, advanced queuing and inventory models; reliability. Software packages and computer utilization. |
ISDS563 Geographic Information Systems for Business ( 3 units) Prerequisite: ISDS 555. Geographic Information Systems in support of business applications such as site location, scheduling, marketing and real estate. Students will develop GIS applications for local businesses. |
ISDS565 Wireless Information Systems ( 3 units) Prerequisite: ISDS550. Contemporary wireless technologies; wide-area and local-area wireless infrastructures; design, planning and operation of wireless communication systems; 3G and next-generation wireless architectures. Wireless spectrum and regulatory issues. |
ISDS568 Information Systems for Knowledge Management ( 3 units) Prerequisite: None Knowledge management systems are useful for businesses to leverage their intellectual capital. How knowledge is created, captured, represented, stored and used to solve business problems. Software demonstrations and case studies will be used for illustrations. |
ISDS576 Business Modeling and Simulation ( 3 units) Prerequisite: ISDS 514. Theory and application of modeling and simulation methodology. Probabilistic concepts in simulation; arrival pattern and service times; simulation languages and programming techniques; analysis of output; business applications. Requires projects. The individual project will fulfill the terminal degree requirement. |
ISDS577 Seminar in Information Systems Implementation ( 3 units) Prerequisite: Prerequisite: to be taken in the last semester or with completion of at least seven ISDS courses in the program Integrates the development concepts of project management, analysis, design and implementation with telecommunications, database design, programming, testing and system integration issues. Students will develop information systems from concept to completion through individual and team effort. Requires projects. Individual project will fulfill the terminal degree requirement. |
ISDS578 Seminar in Logistics Models ( 3 units) Prerequisite: ISDS 516, 526 and MKTG 519. Integrates the concepts of logistics to systematically analyze a distribution system. Students will conduct a complete analysis of an existing distribution system to investigate the value added role of logistics in distribution. Includes article analysis, case analysis, a research project, individual and group reports and oral and written presentations. Requires projects. Individual project will fulfill the terminal degree requirement. |
ISDS597 Project ( 3 units) Prerequisite: Classified CBE status. Directed independent inquiry. Not open to students on academic probation. |
ISDS599 Independent Graduate Research ( 3 units) Prerequisite: Classified CBE status and consent of department chair and associate dean. May be repeated for credit. Not open to students on academic probation. |