Registration Challenges
Why can't I register for a course?
There may be a variety of reasons for being unable to register for courses. We've outlined some general questions and scenarios below:
Have you met the pre-requisites and co-requisites to the course?
Most courses have pre-requisites and/or co-requisites.
- A pre-requisite is a course that must be taken before another.
- A co-requisite is a course that may be taken at the same time or before.
Check the Class Schedule to determine any pre-requisites and/or co-requisites of a course. An example is the business capstone course (MGMT 449) which has a pre-requisite of all lower division and upper division business core.
Are you attempting to register for a concentration course?
All concentration coursework is restricted to pre-majors (Example: Pre-Business). Once you declare a concentration and your Titan Degree Audit (TDA) is officially updated through the university, you will be able to successfully enroll in your concentration coursework.
- NOTE: You must successfully complete all lower-division business courses before you can declare your concentration.
Do you have any holds on your Titan Online Student Center?
Holds restrict enrollment. You will want to click on the "Tasks" tile in your Student Homepage. Then view the "Holds" to find out more information on how to remove the hold and the appropriate department to contact. You can find Instructions on How to Check for Holds online.
Are you attempting to enroll in a Business Honors section?
If a course section is notated with "Topic: Honors" or has a section number of -40 through -49, this specific section of a course is restricted unless you are a Business Honors student. If you are not a Business Honors student, you are unable to enroll in this section of the course.
Permit Requests to Register
Getting an error when trying to register for a Business course? Through the Permit Request PDF form or email, undergraduate students can petition for permits to courses they are unable to add on their own by describing the errors occurring and giving the permit request details. Select the department of the course below for details:
Accounting (ACCT)
Obtain the form at: https://business.fullerton.edu/academics/accountancy/permit-request
Economics (ECON)
Obtain the form at: https://business.fullerton.edu/academics/economics/permit-request
Finance (FIN)
Information Systems (ISDS)
Obtain the form at: https://business.fullerton.edu/academics/isds/PermitRequest
Management (MGMT)
Obtain the form at: https://business.fullerton.edu/academics/management/permits-and-forms
Marketing (MKTG)
Obtain the form at: https://business.fullerton.edu/academics/marketing/marketing-permit-request-form
BUAD 301 & BUAD 201 - Business Communication
Obtain the form at: https://business.fullerton.edu/academics/marketing/business-communication-permit-request-form
BUAD 300 - Professional & Career Development Course (Practicum)
Have you met the prerequisite for this course? Completion of G.E. Area A.2, A.3, AND projected sophomore or junior standing OR Newly Admitted Transfer Student in your first semester at CSUF.
NOT OPEN TO: freshmen (earned units+in-progress units =29 units or fewer) & seniors (earned units+in-progress units=90 units or more).
NOTE: if you do not meet the pre-requisites a permit will not be provided. The permit process is to allow student who meet the prerequisites to enroll, but are unable to add the course, the college is not using the permit request to process for exceptions.
If you have met the pre-requisites, and are unable to enroll, please submit an email permit request. Include in the subject line of the email "Permit Request Form BUAD 300". Issuing a permit may take up to 2 business days and may only be issued if there are still seats available in the section being requested.
Be sure to include in your email:
- First Name & Last Name
- Class Section Number (2 digits)
- Class Number (5 digits)
- Units Earned and Units In-Progress
- Units Earned are found on your TDA under "cumulative numbers of units applied toward the degree"
- Describe the error that occurs when trying to enroll in BUAD 300 - Professional & Career & Development.
NOTE: During the first & second week of classes you will need to first reach out to the professor to request approval to enroll in the course. If the professor approves please have them email dmazzey@fullerton.edu with approval and your name and CWID. Starting the third week and fourth week all classes must be added through the late add process through Titan Online you can find instructions on the Business Advising Website.