Academic Success
Academic Notice
When your cumulative and/or CSUF GPA falls below a 2.0, you are placed on Academic Notice (AcN) or Continued Notice. It is not uncommon for you to experience a range of emotions such as disappointment, feeling nervous, scared and/or sad.
Business Advisors support students on academic notice through RESET and academic advising. All students on Academic Notice/Continued Notice are required to participate in the RESET course experience in Canvas. Incomplete requirements will result in future course registration delays.
STEP 1: Complete RESET (Mandatory)
All students will receive an email with an invitation to join the RESET course for the fall semester or spring semester.
Participation in RESET is mandatory for all student’s experiencing Academic Notice or Continuing Notice so be sure to accept the Canvas invitation.
How to Access RESET
STEP 2: Academic Advising
As a student on Academic Notice, you will receive guidance and support from your Business Advisor to help you return to good academic standing. Expect to receive the following three emails in October:
Appointment Invitation
You will receive an email from your Business Advisor inviting you to schedule an advising appointment. This is a critical step in creating a plan for academic success, so please make your appointment as soon as possible. -
GPA Breakdown & Path to Good Standing
In the second email, your advisor will provide a detailed breakdown of your GPA and outline the steps needed to regain good academic standing. This email will offer clear guidance on how to improve your academic performance. -
Recommended Class Schedule
Before registration for the upcoming semester, you will receive a personalized class schedule recommended by your advisor. This schedule is designed to help you stay on track, and your advisor will be available to support you throughout the process.
If you have any questions or need assistance, your Business Advisor is your dedicated resource. Stay connected and take advantage of this support to get back on track!
NOTE: As a Business student, you must also maintain a 2.0 GPA in your major and concentration. If your GPA falls below a 2.0 in either your major or concentration, schedule a one-on-one advising appointment with a Business Advisor for guidance on how to raise your GPA.
What if I am Academically Disqualified?
If you are academically disqualified, you may pursue readmission through Open University. The Disqualification Advisors in Open University can support you and answer all of your questions.
To review the process visit, the Academic Advisement Center's Academic Disqualification webpage.
You will need to attend a disqualification workshop and/or schedule an appointment with a Disqualification Advisor. Details will be emailed to your CSUF email address.
Resources for Academic Success and Wellness
The University and The College of Business and Economics provide resources for your academic success and wellness. You can seek academic support through Business tutoring, Supplemental Instruction (SI),
The University Learning Center and The Writing Center. For wellness support connect with the Student Wellness Center. In need of digital access to software a a loaner laptop check out the Center for Equitable Digital Access (CEDA).
Opportunities to Improve your GPA
The use of the Repetition of Courses Policy can help you improve your GPA more quickly than taking a new course. Students may repeat a total of 28 units (16 units of Grade Forgiveness and 12 units of Grade Averaging) for courses where a grade of "C-" (1.7) or below were earned. A single course may be repeated twice, for a total of 3 attempts maximum. Repeats beyond 3 attempts require a repeat exception petition.
Grade Forgiveness (16 unit limit) provides an undergraduate student an opportunity to repeat up to 16 units of course work with 'Grade Forgiveness'. In computing the grade point average of a student who repeats courses in which he or she received C- (1.7), only the most recently earned grades and grade points shall be used in the GPA calculation for the first 16 units repeated. In exercising this option, an undergraduate student must take and repeat the course at CSUF. Immediately following successful completion of the course, grade forgiveness will be automatically applied and the student's grade point average can be revised.
Grade Averaging (12 unit limit) provides an undergraduate student an opportunity to repeat up to 12 units with grades averaged. Under this category both grades are calculated into your GPA