Declaring a Concentration
Eligibility to Declare
All students in the College of Business and Economics (CBE) enter their major as Pre-business, Pre-economics or Pre-international, and must declare before proceeding to concentration courses.
Students are eligible to declare their concentration once the lower-division business core courses are successfully completed with grades "C" (2.0) or higher. Reference your Titan Degree Audit (TDA) for your lower division business core requirements.
During the fall and springs semesters, students may also declare on a conditional basis if the final lower-division courses are currently in-progress. Conditional declarations are not permitted in the summer.
Concentration declarations take 5-7 business days for processing.
Please note that during busy periods, concentration declarations may take longer to process.
How to Declare Your Concentration (for CBE Pre-Majors ONLY)
Access the Major/Minor Change Form, online. You will be prompted to log in using your CSUF portal credentials.
From the left-hand menu, select section (A) Change Current Major/Concentration To New.
Select “Change Current Major/Concentration to New Major/Concentration.” Your current major will auto fill.
From the “New Major/Concentration” drop-down menu, choose the concentration you would like to declare (example: Business Administration, Accounting concentration, B.A.).
From the left-hand menu, select "Student Signature."
Check the box “I am submitting this form which I confirm is true and submitted to the best of my ability” and select "Submit."
How to Declare a Joint Emphasis
Students who would like to declare (or drop) the Joint Emphasis in Accounting and Finance or the Joint Emphasis in Accounting and Information Systems must use the Change of Major PDF Form:
- Download the Change of Major Form (PDF).
- Fill in the top portion with your name and identifying information.
- Fill in section (D) EMPHASIS: check the box to “Declare Emphasis (Add)” and fill in the Emphasis you would like to declare.
- Email the form to An advisor will review the form and assist with processing.
How to Change Your Concentration
Access the Online Major/Minor Change Form. You will be prompted to log in using your CSUF portal credentials.
From the left-hand menu, select section (A) Change Current Major/Concentration To New.
Select “Change Current Major/Concentration to New Major/Concentration.” Your current major will auto fill.
From the “New Major/Concentration” drop-down menu, choose the concentration you would like to change to (example: Business Administration, Marketing concentration, B.A.).
From the left-hand menu, select "Student Signature."
Check the box “I am submitting this form which I confirm is true and submitted to the best of my ability” and select "Submit."
How to Declare a Second Concentration
Access the Online Major/Minor Change Form. You will be prompted to log in using your CSUF portal credentials.
From the left-hand menu, select section (B) Additional Major(s)/Concentration(s).
Select “Add Additional Major(s)/Concentration(s)”
From the “Add Additional Major/Concentration” drop-down menu, choose the concentration you would like to add (example: Business Administration, Marketing concentration, B.A.).
From the left-hand menu, select "Student Signature."
Check the box “I am submitting this form which I confirm is true and submitted to the best of my ability” and select "Submit."
How to Change from a Non-Business Major to Business Administration, Economics or International Business
Current students majoring in a non-business
degree must first have a major overview conducted by a business advisor to change your major to any of the college's business degrees. This overview may be done via email or appointment.
To request to have the change of major overview conducted via email.
Please email with the following:
- First and Last Name
- Major/Concentration of interest
- Full time or Part time enrollment for next semester's schedule
Once we receive this information, we will send you an email with a detailed overview of the major and a class schedule recommendation. You will then be able to request to change your major to the College of Business and Economics.
After you have received the major overview email from an advisor, follow these instructions to change your major online. It will take 5-7 business days to process:
Access the Major/Minor Change Form, online. You will be prompted to log in using your CSUF portal credentials.
From the left-hand menu, select section (A) Change Current Major/Concentration To New.
Select “Change Current Major/Concentration to New Major/Concentration.” Your current major will auto fill.
All students enter CBE as a pre-major. From the “New Major/Concentration” drop-down menu, you will need to choose a pre-major: Pre-Business, Pre-International Business, or Pre-Economics.
From the left-hand menu, select "Student Signature."
Check the box “I am submitting this form which I confirm is true and submitted to the best of my ability” and select "Submit."
When should I declare? See the section below that fits your situation.
All my lower division courses have already been completed .
You can declare your concentration now.
I'm taking the last lower division courses in the FALL semester.
You may conditionally declare your concentration beginning the second week of October. Conditional declarations are contingent upon the successful completion of your required courses in the fall semester. Students completing courses at other schools must submit final grades by the designated deadline date in January.
I'm taking the last lower division course(s) in the SPRING semester.
You may conditionally declare your concentration beginning the second week of March. Conditional declarations are contingent upon the successful completion of your required courses in the spring semester. Students completing courses at other schools must submit final grades by the designated deadline date in June.
I'm taking the last lower division course(s) in the SUMMER semester.
You must complete the lower division business core course(s) and have verification of your final grade(s) before you can declare. Conditional declaration is not permitted in the summer.
Can I take upper division core courses if I haven't declared a concentration yet?
Yes, if you meet the specific course prerequisites and co-requisites.
Can I take upper division concentration courses if I haven't declared my concentration?
No. Your concentration must be declared and processed before the registration system will allow you to register for any concentration courses.
Can I change my mind after declaring a concentration?
Yes. Students can change their concentration at any time through the Online Major/Minor Change Form.
What should I do if I am unsure of the concentration to choose for my career?
There are several options to assist you with your concentration/career search. You can schedule an appointment with a Career Advisor in Business Career Services. You may also consider enrolling in BUAD 300 - Professional and Career Development.