Computer Labs and Classrooms
The College Computer Classrooms are located in Steven G. Mihaylo Hall (SGMH) and Langsdorf Hall (LH). These classrooms are equipped with Windows 10 workstations with CD/DVDs, USB ports and media card reader. The classrooms have laser printers, LanSchool®, DVD/VCRs, campus telephones, and security cameras. Computer classrooms in SGHM also have ceiling mounted projector and speakers. A variety of software is available and Internet access is provided.
Access to Classroom Technology
All classrooms in SGMH (including computer labs) require a set of keys to access the podium computer and media niche. These keys are unique to Mihaylo Hall.
Keys can be picked up from the ATC located in the library (PLS-237).
Computer Lab Classroom
Access to Computer Lab Classrooms
All instructors are schedule to teach in a computer lab are issues their own card key. This key is the instructor's to keep for the entire time they teach at the College of Business and Economics. The labs are alarmed, and keys only allow access 15 min prior to class start in the morning. Keys no longer work after the last scheduled class of day ends. Other access can be granted with permission from MITS.
The following rooms require a Key Card: 2101, 2105, 2108, 2109, 2112, 2113, 2308A, 2311, 2504, 2505, 2508, LH317, LH319
Classroom Training
Training is available for all computer classrooms in Mihaylo Hall. Please contact MITS at x7009 to schedule a training session. We recommend that you arrange a hands-on training prior to the first class meeting since there is not enough time between the break to explain everything about the room.
Classroom Equipment
All computer classrooms in SGMH and LH are equipped with the technology necessary for instruction. MITS is responsible for all equipment in SGMH and the podium PC's in LH.
All computer lab classrooms in SGMH and LH are equipped with:
- one lapel microphone (not available in LH)
- podium computer
- VCR/DVD player
- ceiling-mounted projecor with speakers
- VGA laptop connector
Additional equipment (extra microphones, Mac connectors, presentation remote controls, webcams, etc.) is not provided and may not work with existing technology. Before purchasing additonal classroom equipment, please ask College of Business and Economics ITS.
Computer Access for Visitors
Campus credentials are requiored to login to all classroom and podium computers. If off-campus users need access, credentials must be requested from Campus IT at least one week prior to your event. MITS cannot provide guest credentials. Please dial x7777 or email for Campus IT.
- Food and/or drinks are not allows in computer classrooms. Computers + Drinks = Bzzt!
- Please turn off the projector and log off the podium computer before leaving the room.
- Do not leave students in the computer classrooms unattended. If the instructor leaves the room, the students must leave with them.
All computer computer labs are curated by Instructional Technology Services (MITS).
Reservations for computer labs and general use rooms should be done through your Department Coordinator.
Students unfortunately cannot make computer classroom reservations. Students are not allowed in the Labs without faculty/staff supervision.
Please report all technical difficulties in the Computer Lab Classrooms to x7009 immediately.
General Use Classrooms
The general use class rooms in Steven G. Mihaylo Hall (SGMH) are equipped with technology to facilitate instruction. Each room has an equipment niche, podium, ceiling mounted projectors, screens, and ceiling mounted speakers.
The niche houses a Multimedia Presentation System consisting of a system switching unit and a DVD/VCR combo unit.
The podium houses a computer, A/V controls, a document camera, a lapel microphone unit, and facilities to accommodate a laptop.
Faculty members using General Use Classrooms may obtain keys to the niche and the podium after attending a short training session.
Students are not allowed to use the equipment when a faculty member is not in the room.
Additional equipment (extra microphones, Mac connectors, presentation remote controls, webcams, etc.) is not provided and may not work with existing technology. Before purchasing additonal classroom equipment, please ask ITS.
All faculty members must attend a short training session to become familiar with the General Use Classroom. To schedule General Use Classroom training, please call ext. x2621. Keys to the niche and the podium will be issued at the end of this training.
Access to General Use Classrooms
All General Use classrooms in Mihaylo Hall open with key #N642 This is the same key that is used to open all entrance doors to the building, All Faculty should have this key assigned to them by their department.
The following rooms use the N642 key:
1108, 1109, 1112, 1113, 1117, 1303, 1307, 1308, 1313, 1406, 1502, 1506, 2201, 2205, 2207, 2301, 2307, 2405, 2406, 2501
Please report all technical difficulties with the General Use Classroom at x2277.
Classroom Software Installation
New computer images are created in April and pushed out to all computers in May. We update the computers with new software the week after Graduation Ceremonies and before summer session begins. We only update the computers once per school year.
We send out an email requesting software for the next fall semester in early Spring, usually around March. All software requests will need to have the software delivered to us with the correct license(s). If the software is campus licensed then we will obtain the software. We weill not accept requests via email.
Software license should be concurrent or enough to be installed on 700 computers. Concurrent license means it can be installed on multiple computers but you are limited by your license amount. All software will need to be purchased by your department (grant or department funds).
Software currently installed on all computers can be found on this website.